Sunday 25 May 2014

Wellington Zoo

On Wednesday 21st May the whole of the Junior Syndicate visited Wellington Zoo - we had so much fun!!!  We got to see lots of animals and birds that are endangered and some that aren't.  We listened to the zookeepers tell us some special facts about the animals they look after and how we can help them to protect them so that they don't become extinct.

Dental Hygiene

On Tuesday 20th May the Junior Syndicate started our Tuesday afternoon rotations.  Room 13 were working in their own classroom looking at 'Dental Hygiene'.  We talked about the parts of a tooth and how to clean our teeth properly.

We checked to see that we had brushed our teeth properly!

We also talked about the things that we eat and drink and how they can cause tooth decay - we learnt that even the natural sugar in oranges and apples can cause decay.  We also took a can of coke and measured out how many teaspoons of sugar there are in a can.  We guessed two, three, maybe four but we were shocked when we learnt how many there are!

Did you know there are 9 teaspoons of sugar in a 333ml can of coca-cola!

Monday 12 May 2014

Class Pets

In Room 13 we have had lots of creepy critters and creatures sharing our classroom with us.  We have had heaps of caterpillars and monarch butterflies hatching since we started school in February.  At the moment we have three new caterpillars so we will let you know what happens over the next few weeks - they're not normal still around at this time of the year so we'll have to wait and see.

We also have three frogs and a tadpole that's seems to be taking forever to make the change from a tadpole into a frog.  We discovered that a dragonfly only goes through part of the metamorphosis process (it's called an incomplete metamorphosis) whereas a butterfly and a frog goes through a  complete metamorphosis.

This year in our class we are looking after Mrs Cook's axolotl called 'Smitty'.  Don't stick you finger in the tank you might loose it!!!