
Term 3 2016
This term we have begun to learn about festivals and dances that come from different cultures around the world.  In Week 6 we looked at the Spanish Festival 'La Tomatina'.  We loved learning about this messy festival and creating some bright and colourful pieces of artwork to go with our writing.
Term 2 2016
'Our Place in Space'
This term our inquiry focus is 'Space' and we have begun the term by looking at our Solar System.  After reading 'The Planets' in her reading group Freyja put a proposal to the class that we make a model of the solar system and learning about the different planets in our 'thinking trios' so that's what we are doing this term.  Keep watching and we'll share some of our ideas with you, but for now here's a couple of video clips that we have enjoyed watching and finding out more about our solar system.

Term 3

Here's a short video clip of the Coke and Mentos experiment (sorry not the best quality) that we did outside on the top field as it gets messy - but it's lots of fun!!!!

Term 2 - ANZAC 

Week 6

As part of our inquiry focus on 'How WW1 and WW2 have influenced us' we visited the new exhibition at the National War Memorial.  It was amazing!  It helped us understand what it would have been like to be in the war and how people at home here in New Zealand supported the soldiers at war.

Week 3 

When we were at the library we had 'Oi' read to us it is such a cool book we had to include the trailer for the book on our blog.  Hopefully you can find this book at your local library too.

Week 2 - Johnsonville Police Station

Week 1
This term we are looking at 'How did the World Wars influence / challenge / impact and shape our society and culture'.  So this week as we prepare to celebrate and remember those that fought and died in the war/s we have had a special memorial service at school on Thursday.

 In Room 13 we created some acrostic poems to reflect some of the discussions that we have been having in class this week.  We have included some of our artwork as well for you to admire.

Term 1 - 2015

People who help us in our Community 

This term we have been looking at 'People who help us in the community' - we discovered there are lots of people that help us in our local community.  There's the doctors, nurses, vets, librarians, shopkeepers, police, firefighters, coast guard, pilots to name just a few.  we loved having the local firefighters come and show us their fire engine and the equipment that they use to fight fires and rescue people out of cars that have been in an accident.

 On the last day of Term 1 we dressed up as our favourite 'community helper'.


2014 Term 2

This term our inquiry focus is 'Could we have saved it? Should we have saved?' we started by asking the question 'Where are all the dinosaurs?' and here are some of our responses.

  • they are not alive anymore - Sione
  • they're extinct - Bella
  • that means there are no more of them - Luka
  • a  meteorite hit the ground and they got buried under the ground - Mia
  • their bones are under the ground - Mya
  • they are not just under the ground but deep down under the sea and the ground - Daniel
  • they are all dead and stuck in the mud - Rose
  • people killed them - Hannah
This Wednesday (21st May) we are going to Wellington Zoo

The next question that we asked was :

What is a zoo for?
  • A place where you see animals like giraffes, tigers and elephants (sometimes)
  • it sort of is like a museum but animals are in enclosures because they are wild animals
  • a place for us to learn about animals and to study them
  • special enclosures are built for animals to in, instead of a cage!


  1. Cool room 13Hannah room8

  2. That Oobleck is very awesome! It must feel really weird. From Theo room 6.
