Class Art Gallery


In Term 3 we have been looking at tinting and shading a colour.  After reading the books 'The Mitten' and "The Hat' by Jan Brett - 'The Mitten' was our favourite!    

We created these pieces of art. 

by Olivia
by Zishan
by Zac
by Poppy
by Keshaka
by Charlie
by Tom
by Thisaja
by Sanuk
by Maia
After reading the book 'Giraffes Can't Dance' by Giles Andreae

and finding out a few facts about giraffes we produced these great pieces of art.

In Room 13 we love to pick up a pencil to draw, a paintbrush to paint or a pair of scissors to create.  Here's where you will see some of our artwork that we have been creating throughout the year.

Calendar Art
Here are our toucan pictures that we have created for our calendar art :
Hannah W

Sidney M

Aarushi S


Sione L

Rose R

Arham J

Janayah W

Rhiannon D-M

Rory W

Althea S

Riley T

Isabella G

Mya B

Taryn B

Tucker T


Louisa R-McK

Aariya P

Daniel M

Aarushi P

Mia H-B

Luka W

Colour Burst Flowers
We started with a colour of our choice for the centre of the flower then we used the complimentary colour to paint the petals.  When the paint had dried we added tissue petals, ladybugs and caterpillars that we had made out of pipe cleaners to make our artwork more 3D.



  1. Cool Room 13 I wish I could of done
    that last year in Room 13
    From Hannah in Room13!!!!!

  2. What lovely artwork - looks like you've all been very busy :) Well done
    From Daniel M's mum.

  3. Looking back I really loved doing art with you Mrs T, I remember making bats. From Theo room 6
