Wednesday 14 December 2016

Splash Afternoon

Yesterday (Tuesday) we had our annual 'Splash Afternoon'.  It was so much fun!   We got to play on a bouncy castle, do a beach dress-up relay, sponge relay, bubbles, giant waterfight and waterslide.
Then we got to relax at the end of our fun afternoon with a lemonade ice block. It's such a great way to finish the school year.  We can't wait till next year when we get to do it all again!

Monday 12 December 2016

Avalon Park

Today for an 'End of the Year' trip the Year 1 and Year 2 syndicates went out to the new playground at Avalon Park.  The weather held out and we had an awesome time discovering all the new equipment out there.  For some of us we were learning to try new things and take risks.  While we were there we even got to catch up with our old classmate T who just happened to be there with his family.


Hui Presentation - Week 6

Thursday 3 November 2016

Pastel Art

Yesterday we had our first go at blending using pastels.  Here's some of our finished artwork.

Term 4 Week 1-4

Well we have been back from holidays for nearly four weeks so we thought we better share with you some of the learning and fun things that we have been doing in Room 13 this term.

On Tuesday 25th October we had

Greats & Grands Day 

We had some of our grandparents and honorary grandparents come and visit us for the morning.  We had a great morning sharing our learning with them and letting them see how different school is today compared to when they went to school!
 Here are some photos (keep watching this space) of our grandparents and the stories and poems that we wrote.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Year 1 and 2 Syndicate Dance Performance

Today has been a day of excitement and nerves as we got ready to perform this evening for our parents, family and friends.  The Year 1 and 2 syndicates have been learning some contemporary dances from around the world with Footsteps.  Thanks Kimi for helping us learn our dances!

As part of our inquiry focus this term we have been looking at cultures around the world.  We danced to Hot Wings (I Wanna Dance), Around the World, Big Coconuts, Better When I'm Dancing and Cotton Eyed Joe where we lite up the stage with our dance moves.  It was heaps of fun.

Here's a couple of shots of us in action.
Mr Schon welcomes everyone to our performance
Performing 'Cotton Eyed Joe'
Getting ready to perform 'Better When I'm Dancing'
Our Tour Guides for the performance
Performing 'Better When I'm Dancing'
Performing the finale 'All Around the World'


This term we have been lucky enough to have Movemprove every Monday afternoon for 45 minutes.  We have learnt how to do forward and backward rolls correctly and to do a forward roll on the bars.  Some of the activities that we have been doing challenged us but we worked on taking a risk to try something new and to persevere.