Sunday 21 February 2016

Monarch Butterflies

During the first three weeks in class we have had caterpillars munching on swan plants, chrysalis and butterflies hatching and flying away.  We were lucky enough to see a couple of the caterpillars spin their chrysalis' and watch them hatch into butterflies.

Here's some photos of us holding the butterflies after they hatched and a video of one of them making their chrysalis :

Welcome back!

The Christmas holidays have come and gone and we have now just had the first three weeks of the new school year back!

Over the last three weeks we have been getting to know our new classmates and meeting our class pets.

On Day 1 we read the book "First Day Jitters" and "Fancy Nancy - Jojo's First Day Jitters" and talked about what jitters are and how we were feeling about starting in a new class.