Sunday 14 June 2015

Out and About in the Community!

In the week just gone we have had a busy week with our Hockey Tournament and then having our second visit to Johnsonville Library on Tuesday - oh it is so much fun discovering new things at the Library.
Then on Friday we went to visit the Pet Shop where C talked to us about turtles - we have recently added a turtle to our class pets and thought we should go and find out how to look after our noisy turtle!  We also got to see all the other pets that are for sale at the pet shop and to pet a rabbit and a blue tongued lizard.  It was really weird touching the lizard!

Here's some photos of our class turtle.
Thanks Amy for coming with us to the Library and the Pet Shop!

1 comment:

  1. You are more than welcome!
    I really enjoy coming on class trips... Room 13 is such a great class!
