Wednesday 30 March 2016

Croak! Croak!

This year in Room 13 we have lots of tadpoles in our tadpole tank - they have now all turned into frogs.  While they were going through metamorphosis we loved going and checking on them each day to see what the changes were.

We read lots of books on frogs like :

Then Daisy found a great book at the Wellington City Library that she brought and shared with us.

It's a book about two tiny eggs, one in a pond and one on a tree, survive a brutal storm and hatch at the same time. Harold the tadpole and Grace the caterpillar become friends. But as they grow, they grow apart. It's a wonderfully illustrated book about the metamorphosis of friendship.  We loved reading it in class and talking about all the things we have learnt about butterflies and frogs.

Thanks for sharing it with us Daisy!

We have done lots of learning about frogs and artwork.  Here's some of the things that we have been creating and writing about in class.

1 comment:

  1. Francesca Riley (daisy's mum)1 April 2016 at 18:57

    So thrilled you enjoyed the book, it's not often your friend turns into a different 'being' but we all know it's what is on the inside that counts....the book is back in Johnsonville Library waiting for it's next reader!
