Monday 16 June 2014

Week 6 Term 2 - Letter Vv

For Week 6 this term, we have been looking at the Letter Vv and have had lots of fun creating our very own volcanic explosions.  We have looked briefly at what the difference between an active volcano, a dormant volcano and one that is extinct.
On Monday Ms Knighton did some experiments with us using baking soda, vinegar, food colouring, a bottle of Diet-Coke and mentos, then on Friday when she took our class again we did them again.  The one with the baking soda and vinegar we got to do by ourselves - if you go to the 'Letter of the Week' tab in a couple of days you will some photos of what we did, but until then check out the video clips we did of our experiments.  We had so much fun!!!

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