Tuesday 4 November 2014

Day 150 and Day 160 at School

For Day 150 we made 150 snowflakes and then hung them up in our classroom here are some photos of some of our snowflakes.

Last Friday it was Day 160 at School so on Monday 3rd November we celebrated by covering the Leader of the Day in fluro polka dots - there was lots of laughter happening in class as we stuck our stickers on H.

It was Day 160 so we put spots on H because H was the Leader of the Day.  It looks like she has chicken pox - Janayah

For Day 160 the Leader was H and she was covered in polka dots.  Everybody was laughing!  I put eight pink stickers on her.  H was laughing too.  When I was putting stickers on her it made me think about what she was going to look like.  H had green and orange and pink polka dots all over! - Taryn

On Monday we put stickers on H.  I was laughing and we took photos of her.  It looked like she had chicken pox - Mya

On Monday it was Day 160 at school.  For Day 160 H was covered with stickers.  How was she covered with stickers?  Because we had 8 stickers and we put them on her.  She looked like she had chicken-pox.  People were laughing really loud!  In total there were 160 stickers on her.  Some of the colours were pink, orange and green.  It was funny!  Some were on her face, her hair, her legs and her shoes - Arham

Hi!  I want to tell you about Day 160!  On Monday we covered H in orange, green and pink polka dots.  We laughed and laughed because it was so funny!  We worked cooperatively! - Rose

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